If one day i'm gone, then maybe i'm just doing

freezing graveyard shifts

Featuring: Piper ( Rottingpiper on instagram)

WOOOOAH, a website??? That's dope, haven't thought of that! I'm one of those who were introduced to the internet a lot before than they should have, i have seen a bunch of websites before, i like feeling the old websites gave: Simple designs, GIFs,the 3D on the 2D, flat colors, pop-up windows, silly mascots... feels a bit more analog than digital, and that makes my brain gay (gay as in happy, not as in homo. Although, uh maybe).

I remember borrowing the old family laptop, to open it you had to press a switch on the top lid, then it pop-opened. The operating system was really old, maybe Windows XP? A lot of baby photos (me, my sibling, not random babies), minesweeper, solitaire, a bunch of contact infos? The laptop was so old that it was incompatible with the modern internet, stuck with the same 50-70 pages that had already been saved. A lot of those pages were html and flash games, but like, not the girlsgogames or friv (most of them), i'm talking, reeeaal primitive educational type of stuff, like i don't know how but i loved those games, and sometimes i couldn't finish playing most of them cause' it had to load up the page and it wasn't saved from before.

I would say I love the internet, but I don't. It's weird, because the internet was here even before I was born, but I still feel that we all would be better without it. I can't say I miss connecting with older technology, the oldest thing i have seen was maybe a typewriter?? a "walkman"? my parents had one of those in an old storage room, uhh record player?? but like, an old,old one. I can't miss those because they were never there on my day-to-day. But I feel like I should miss them, they give me a nostalgic, familiar feeling.

The internet makes me sad

Anyways, I'm quite the blabber, I won't keep you stuck in here. Go explore my faaabulous page ;]